What are the Benefits of Investment Casting?

What are Castings?

Modern manufacturing is carried out in many ways including different types of casting, such as:

  • Die casting
  • Sand casting
  • Evaporative pattern casting
  • Metalworking
  • Resin casting
  • Precision castings or investment castings

It is the last type of casting – precision castings – that sets Texmo Blank apart when it comes to manufacturing processes.

The term precision castings defines the process - when you require products to be precisely made, following exact dimensions, with a near-flawless finish – then you need to turn to precision castings. A wax pattern is used to create a ceramic mould in a specified pattern and then cast with molten metal. This ‘lost wax’ method results in high-quality castings with precise dimensions.

Benefits of Precision Castings

When compared to other methods of castings, precision castings have salient features and advantages. Here’s a brief look at a few key features of a few methods of castings in comparison with precision castings:

Investment Casting Benefits

Investment CastingSand CastingDie CastingLost FoamForging
Can produce much more complex designs, incorporating design features such as logosParts are less complexThe parts produced are usually less complexLimited complexityExtremely limited component complexity
Excellent surface finishes can be achievedLower dimensional accuracyLower dimensional accuracyLower dimensional accuracyLower dimensional accuracy
Low volume production runs are cheaper as tooling is less costlyHigh cost in large production runsTooling costs are far higher, only cost effective for large volumesProcessing costs are higher due to scrap costs, shell building, and pattern handling. Tooling cost is increasedTooling costs are far higher
Can be used to cast a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous alloysLimited materialsMore material limitations can’t be used for ferrous alloysLimited materialsAlloy selection is somewhat limited
Parts require little machining after finishingSurface finish requires added workSurface finishes are usually lower quality than IC and require added processingSurface finish is typically of lower qualityTooling must be replaced quite often due to wear

So, why should you choose precision castings? Here are the top benefits of doing so:

Design Flexibility

Investment castings is a natural choice for extraordinarily complex designs. This method is perfect for designs with complex requirements of shape, size, thickness, and varied materials too. This flexibility extends to production methods, while multiple wax patterns can be used to make a unique mould.

Quality Finish

Precision castings results in almost-finished product. This reduces the need for investment of time and resources in added surface finishing processes. Dimensional precision and smooth finish mean that you can get a product that is almost 100% complete. And if you want more refinements, then further polishing can be done easily.

Material Benefits

The melted wax can be reused for other designs. Also, precision castings can work with a large list of materials such as:

  • Carbon steels
  • Low alloy steels
  • Austenitic stainless steels
  • Ferritic stainless steels
  • Nickel alloys
  • Cobalt alloys
  • Bronze, aluminium and so on.

This means we can produce virtually any product for many industries.

Tighter Tolerances

Product tolerance is important because even tiny deviations from parameters can make a product worthless. Precision castings have tighter tolerances than other castings methods. Highly exact parts with tighter tolerances means that our customers do not have to worry about product specifications.

Precision castings offer the advantage of rapid prototyping, too. All of which means that you get to enjoy reliability, high-quality, and a commitment to time schedules when it comes to precision castings and the benefits they offer.

Further Information

Get In Touch

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If that sounds like an investment castings partner you’d like to work with, you can book an introduction call with our friendly and knowledgeable New Relations Team — in a language and time zone to suit you.

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Our introductory calls are perfect for those wanting to know more about Texmo Blank’s capabilities or kick start a new project. You’ll speak with one of our New Relations team, in a timezone and language of your choice. These video calls last around 20 minutes and cover our process, capabilities and your requirements.