Texmo Blank

A truly international investment castings company

Adding Value To Customers

We proudly manufacture long-lifespan steel, aluminium, cobalt and nickel based precision castings in air and vacuum at our state-of-the-art factories in North America, Europe and Asia.

We are known for solving complex manufacturing challenges, our industry-leading turnaround times and stringent quality control, all of which deliver value to our customers.

Texmo Blank In Numbers

Passionate People
Years of Experience
Sq Ft. of Manufacturing
Global Locations
Parts Made Per Year

Our Approach

International Expertise, Local Understanding

We combine our deep knowledge of global markets with specialists who understand the specific challenges and opportunities in different territories.

Inspired by Innovation

We focus on solving intricate challenges and delivering cutting-edge solutions through our progressive technologies, which keep our customers ahead of the curve.

Continuous Improvements for Optimum Value

We have three centres of excellence which constantly re-imagine how we work to set new standards and create efficiencies across all areas of our business.

Our Values

Our values are more than words, they are commitments to the way we work with our colleagues, our customers and our partners.


  • We think big and start small.
  • Develop ourselves and others.
  • Work hard and learn by doing.
  • Focus on long-term gains.


  • We continually improve.
  • Solve problems of all sizes.
  • Value innovative thinking.
  • Seek clarity and alignment.


  • We be the best we can be.
  • Exceed customer expectations.
  • Get it right, first time.
  • Set tomorrow's standards.


  • We respect every individual.
  • Have zero politics.
  • Work systematically, as a team.
  • Lead with humanity.


  • We act with integrity.
  • Are socially responsible.
  • Make sustainable decisions.
  • Add value to people's lives.

Our Global Leadership Team

Get In Touch

We take pride in building successful, long-term relationships with our clients, because their reputation is our priority.

If that sounds like an investment castings partner you’d like to work with, you can book an introduction call with our friendly and knowledgeable New Relations Team — in a language and time zone to suit you.

Procurement Information

United Kingdom

+44 114 399 5710



United States

+1 574 696 9990




+49 7371 1820




+40 256 22 7817




+91 425 920 0500



Our introductory calls are perfect for those wanting to know more about Texmo Blank’s capabilities or kick start a new project. You’ll speak with one of our New Relations team, in a timezone and language of your choice. These video calls last around 20 minutes and cover our process, capabilities and your requirements.