Apprentices Begin Journey at Texmo Blank Germany


Students outside the main entrance of Texmo Blank Germany

On 2 September 2024, the Texmo Blank team in Germany welcomed seven young adults to start their apprenticeships. As Manager for Training and Development, Carolin Mangold organised a varied programme to give them an appropriate welcome.

"The main focus was on team building activities, but also on familiarising with the company as a whole," says Mangold, "The trainees and students used a questionnaire to explore the company on their own, spoke to various departments and collated the answers they were looking for. After all, a basic understanding of the production process and the corporate culture is essential for the subsequent training in the departments."

Students in the training facilities at Texmo Blank Germany

This was followed by a two-day seminar at the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce, where important general information relating to apprenticeships was provided.

The junior employees also focussed on communication topics by means of theory and practical exercises. The fun factor was not missing out either, focusing on the exchange between trainees, students and trainers towards the middle of the week. As part of an exciting town rally, they were exploring the city Ulm together.

Rounding off the induction week was a trip to the ‘Face Off’ hall in Münsingen. This spacious arena offers a variety of team games. A perfect opportunity for team-building exercises! ‘It's vital to ensure that all juniors know from the very beginning that they can come to us if they have any questions.

This is only possible by getting to know each other. Therefore, this first week in the training company is particularly important to us,’ explains Carolin Mangold.

Following the induction week, the new trainees and students started their basic training at the training centre or in the relevant specialised departments, depending on their profession. ‘We wish them all lots of fun and every success with their training or studies.’

Texmo Blank Germany is currently training 24 apprentices and dual students.

Apprentice in the Texmo Blank Germany logistic centre

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